Players require a steam account to play total war: Warhammer 2. Later on, it was released in Linux and macOS.
This game was released on Microsoft Windows and in 2017. It was developed by the creative assembly and is the sequel to 2016’s total war: Warhammer series. Total war Hema s IS a video game based on strategy and real-time tactics.
Warhammer I & II Mod Workshop on TWC to ask any questions not covered in the tutorials section.4 Conclusion Total war: Warhammer 2 Description. Warhammer Tools, Tutorials and Resources sub-forum on TWC where most of the tutorials and resources listed above are hosted. Resource - Empire images for modders - by AL890. Resource - Warhammer Information Thread Index - by PaulH - Index to the Information Threads for Potential New Units. Answer - Guide to get the unrestricted camera for beginners - by Turumba - for all Warscape games. Resource - Warhammer Lua Game Functions - by Litharion. Resource - Community Battle Map Best Design Practices by CA. Tutorial - How to add a custom siege map to the campaign by Der_Spaten. Tutorial - Setting a variable Unit cap in Total Warhammer - by KindredBrujah. Answer - How to unlock a faction by Clyclone Jack. Tutorial - Getting Formations to work (shield wall/pike wall/loose/formed) - by WakelessREX. Resource - TotalWar Warhammer - Unit Stats Table - by RoninX2807 - based on game version: 1.3.0 and DLCs. Answer - Changing Cavalry Unit Sizes - by Tarsus999. Tutorial - Adding and creating new unit bulletpoints - by Matmannen. Tool - Easy Rigid Editor (for texture links) - by Der_Spaten - included in RPFM. Tool - RigidModel NotePad - by phazer - edit. Tool - DDSConverter - by DiegoDelaVega - converts DX10 BC1 through BC3 textures to DX9 DXTn formats. Resource - Various retextures - modders resource - by kelembribor21. rigid_model_v2 files, render models - for all Warscape games Tool - RMeditor - by phazer - extract models and animations, find and unpack textures, edit texture paths inside.
Resource - Sebidee's Unit Modding Template (Warhammer 2) - by Sebidee. Answer - How to Create a New Unit - by Mooncabbage - explanation of involved tables. Tutorial - Complete Guide to Warhammer Unit Modding - by Sebidee - includes getting your unit into game, variant editing, retexturing, unit cards, recruitment etc. Please note, the types of units that can be added to Warhammer are restricted by the game EULA.
Tool - SaveParser - Editor for Total War savegames - by RoninX2807 - for all Warscape games. Tool - Pack File Manager (PFM) - by daniu. Tool - Rusted PackFile Manager (RPFM) - by Frodo45127. Tools used across multiple aspects of the game: Tool - Mod manager for Warhammer 2 - by Kaedrin. Tutorial - Warhammer Modding Tutorial(s) - by Magnar - link to video. Tutorial - Getting Started - Modding for Newbies - by Commissar Caligular.
Official CA Warscape Modding Tips by CA.